The world has been enduring the results of the curse for approximately 6,000 years. Every child of God longs for that day when there will be peace on earth, when righteousness reigns under the kingship of Jesus, and when the battle between good and evil will have come to an end forever. There is a reason we get stirred up deep in our souls when we hear the Hallelujah Chorus being sung. While our flesh fights to hold on to parts of our worldly existence, our spirits yearn for that which we were created. When we experience or witness injustice, that battle between our flesh and our spirit ensues. Where do we run for the healing of our deep wounds? To whom do we turn? The instincts of the believer are to turn to the Lord for help. In Jeremiah 8, the weeping prophet, said in verse 20 of his people that the, “Harvest is past, summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Considering their spiritual state, he saw a judgment coming for them and there was no remedy, no healing...