THE LEGIT FEAR FACTOR ~ A Study in Jeremiah

Police cars turning into your driveway at 10:00 p.m. at night is a foreboding, terrifying sight…when there is a pounding on your front door that awakens you out of a sound sleep only to have police surrounding your home and dragging your husband out of the house in handcuffs…when your husband answers the door while you and your children are sitting at the breakfast table and the next thing you know there are police in your kitchen standing behind body shields carrying heavy duty guns, grabbing your oldest son and pinning him up against the wall with a gun to his back…when you receive that phone call in the middle of the night startling you from out of a deep slumber…when you get the diagnosis you didn’t expect…when you experience your first earthquake...These are those moments when your heart begins to race, you experience shortness of breath, and for some (like me) it becomes impossible to talk because you cannot get your teeth to stop chattering. This is what it is like to experience...