The Striking Contrast Between the Proud and the Righteous (Part 1) -- Habakkuk -- Lesson 8
Do you know someone who is proud, arrogant, or haughty? Maybe you live with someone who could be characterized as proud. Maybe you are the one who struggles with pride. Struggles with pride? That might sound odd to some. After all, pride has been elevated to a virtue in our society. In fact, one site from a quick google search brought this up: (While in the same article mocking Christianity’s understanding of the virtue of humility…) The virtue of pride is a commitment to achieve self-esteem by taking credit and responsibility for acting on one’s judgment, in accordance with principles… Pride results in being able to look at one’s accomplishments and say both “I did it” and “It is good.” But what does God say about the proud? Obviously, the proud don’t care, so this is for the humble! God says the proud are wicked. What the world is proud of is an abomination before God’s eyes. What today’s society has deemed a virtue, God says is evil. The contrasts between the wic...