
Showing posts from February, 2022

Towers of Babel versus the Christian's Strong Tower -- The Striking Contrast Between the Proud and the Righteous (Part 4) -- Habakkuk Lesson 11

Looking back, I should have known I was in trouble. Have you ever said that to yourself? I was getting far too comfortable in my life. Though I would have defied anyone to tell me otherwise, I truly believed I trusted the Lord for my every need. But did I really even know what that looked like? I was about to get an object lesson to show me otherwise. That's what prison did for me. Yes, although it was mortifyingly humiliating and shameful to my flesh, I can look back and see how it was good for me spiritually.  I never want to get too comfortable in this world again! Coming face to face with my own depravity, finally realizing that I am nothing and He is everything was very good for me! I thank God for His mercy in dealing with me exactly as He knew I needed to mold me and shape me in the image of His Son, while at the same time orchestrating all things according to His providential hand. Babylon's (the Chaldeans) origin goes all the way back to Babel. What was their great sin...

Awestruck, Angry, and Amazed -- The Striking Contrast Between the Proud and the Righteous (Part 3) -- Habakkuk Lesson 10

Biblically speaking, have you ever stopped to think about what you are studying in depth at the moment? Off the top of my head, I would say Habakkuk (for this blog) and 1 Kings (in our women's Bible study group). As I was meditating on all that I am learning presently, I realized that our pastor just got finished expositing the book of Ruth and is heading into the book of Colossians. John MacArthur (our pastor from Cali and from the Grace Church live feed--which fits perfectly into our different time zones--thank You, Lord!) is expositing Ephesians; and various pastors are going through the minor prophets in the Sunday evening services. Outside of Scripture, but in keeping with it, our church's ladies book club just finished the apologetical book, Always Ready , and is now reading this month Beginning at Moses . My cup surely runneth over!!! As I began to think about this, I considered how the Lord is dovetailing and weaving all I am learning that should be applied to my life. ...

The Striking Contrast Between the Proud and the Righteous (Part 2) -- The Thirsty Proud Man -- Habakkuk Lesson 9

To drink or not to drink; that is the question. Is it? Not really, but it seems to be a question Christians deal with on a regular basis. My husband once had a (disillusioned) Presbyterian involved in ministry tell him, "Man, you should become a Presbyterian so you can drink." That man is no longer involved in ministry. To say that 'I should be _______ SO THAT I can do anything' is legalism at its core. To imagine that there are those involved in ministry, (really good ministries) who think this way is disturbing. I'll leave it at that because this post is not about whether a Christian CAN drink or cannot drink alcohol.  We are looking at the proud Chaldean who, in our next passage of Scripture in Habakkuk, can represent the proud of all ages. Proverbs 16:18 says pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. The proud Chaldean and any proud one must know that his destruction is sure. We saw last time that the soul of this proud one is not ...