Thoughts From a Prison Cell (9)--Bloom Wherever He Plants You
5/27/2012--Shouting matches erupted this morning at breakfast over a simple question by someone about church. (I might add, I was not in the conversation. 😬)
Interestingly, I had just started talking to Jeannette about Christ, again, but got interrupted by another lady when I started my testimony. She had asked me why I have such peace and why I don't have anger and why I can say I'm thankful to be here. Why, why, why. I told her it is because I know the Lord has put me here for His purpose and that I am a "born-again" (I specifically used that adjective for a reason) Christian who trusts God's Word when it says He is working all things for my good and His glory.
When pressed, she stated she believes she is a Christian because she is a Catholic and a good person. Once again, she relayed to me how she had a bad experience with "born again" Christians who were foster parents to her daughter. She has a lot of problems that she believes all stem from domestic abuse and have led to hatred toward her husband. Without connecting the pieces of her puzzle, she told me her mother wanted to abort her and told her so a few years ago. There are drugs and other things involved. An extremely intelligent woman, she was in banking and is here for financial crimes and identity theft.
5/28/2012--My roommate and I spent the break talking to Jeannette who says she seriously wants to kill herself. She wanted to talk about the Bible readings I gave her to read. (At the crossroads of choosing life or death.) Thrilled, she didn't have to twist my arm! It was a good talk. I pray You continue to draw her to Yourself, Lord. She wants to continue our talks tomorrow. (Scattering seeds...)
The following is a letter I wrote on 5/28/2012 to Pioneer Church (the only church in our small town that came along side my son and me in our "prison trial" which they, in turn, forwarded to several other churches (unbeknownst to me at the time):
Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
It is with much love in my heart I write to you after one month in prison. I want to thank you all for your many kindnesses to me and to my family over the last so many months.
God is good! My heart can hardly contain the love, joy, and gratitude I have for Him as I sit here in my cell freer, in many ways, than ever before. I now consider it a privilege and a blessing to have been given this opportunity and am thankful to be right where He has put me for such a time as this.
My eyes are open, and my heart is ready and willing to respond to the pain and suffering of so many He has put in my path. What a joy it is to be able to point them to the One who is able to forever take away the invisible bonds and shackles that have held them for so long. Matthew 9:36 continues to resonate in my ears daily.
Seeing the people, He felt compassionate for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.
This is by far the greatest mission field I have ever been witness to. I know that there will be many from "my world" who will be repulsed to think I spent time in a county jail doing 'hard time' with the hardest of criminals. (I think now of some of those who are considered hardened criminals whose hearts He has softened. Oh, how He loves those whose hearts have been broken only to be healed in Him.) While the circumstances are inhumane and indecent, the souls of these women are precious in His sight and in mine. He has given me a great love for each of them. He is clearly with me and has put a hedge of protection around me. I have no fear whatsoever of even the most hardened of hearts. I have had countless opportunities to give an account for the hope that is in me. The light of Christ shines brightly in such darkness and so many want to know why I have such peace and joy. One woman told me there is a radiance in my face she has never seen before and would never expect to see in here. Praise God! You all know the process our Lord had to take me through to get to this peace. All glory is His!
After three roommates who tested me 24/7, I finally have a Christian named Shauna. Pray for her. What a joy and a blessing to have fellowship like this here.
I have learned so many things--many of them just days after being here. I have taken so many things for granted in life--simple, everyday things--like toilet paper! I have literally needed to rely on Christ for EVERYTHING! I have so many stories to tell, so many people I will never forget. My family and friends have become so dear to me. The Lord has been driving home the lesson--love God/love others over the past couple of years. Now, I am finally able to let all else go. The key to happiness and the abundant life is found in these two commandments. I knew that, but now I know that deep in my soul.
I will close for now with this: Jesse was able to get a letter to me a week or so ago. What Christ is doing in his heart would flood the soul of any Christian mother with overwhelming gratitude and joy as it did mine. I would go through this whole trial 1,000 times over to see our Lord work as He has in the life of my children. I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. God is always faithful. He is always good. And Romans 8:28 is true. EVEN when we start to doubt and don't understand.
Through this, my darkest valley, God has answered so many of the deepest longings and desires of my heart. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams.
I pray for you and keep you in my heart with much love and affection. And thank you, again, for all your help, prayers, encouragement, and love. In His holy name I am His servant and yours. Karla
It's funny: My mother embroidered a blanket for me before she died. It simply said, "Karla, Bloom where you are planted," alongside a bouquet of beautiful spring blooms. (She never even knew of my indictment.) Just like delicate budding flowers of springtime that emerge through the dirt--their root systems being tested by spring storms--they sway in the wind, soak up the spring rains, turning and reaching their faces up to take in the sunshine, only He can open the buds to freely bloom and display their full beauty as designed by Him for a brief moment on this earth. My mother bloomed on a cancer bed as she submitted to her Father's plan. I can obey my mother only as I submit to my Father's loving designs for me. Only then, will He make me to bloom where I am planted.
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